Friday 4 July 2008

Easy ways to get a good holiday deal

In most cases, the phrase “too good to be true”, is a good warning. Whenever something seems too easy or too cheap, you should be wary. But in terms of timeshare vacation deals, that does not have to be the case.

You have to wonder, with a great deal to, say, Disney or Vegas, what kind of catch is involved. Will I stay in a dump? Will there be fees tacked on that will make a good deal just easy fleecing? Not necessarily these days.

You really can get a good vacation at a nice resort for little money. The only real catch is that you will have to hear the presentation about purchasing the timeshare. Even if you are not really interested in purchasing, you can still get away with a nice memorable vacation.

Places as respectable as the Marriott have recognized timeshares as a viable market, and with their large and growing number of resorts, you could vacation at a variety of truly beautiful locations that you might not be able to afford otherwise.

Remember, the presenters at the timeshare have a goal of making a sale to a certain number of vacationers. So if you say no, they expect that from some. That is not to say they won’t make it enticing. And the good places won’t strong arm you, but you can expect some “pressure”, in terms of them sweetening the deal.

For about 2 hours time, and probably some good food (You may want to skip the alcohol.), you will be able to enjoy all the amenities that the resort has to offer. And sure, it is possible that you will like it so much that you DO decide to buy. Either way, you will have taken a memorable, fun vacation at a great discounted price. Try a search for timeshare vacations and get started on a trip you might not be able to afford otherwise.